Unidad Diseño

  • Playa Quieta


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  • Playa Quieta


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  • Playa Quieta


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  • Playa Quieta


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Playa Quieta

This development located on an ocean-front hillside is composed of two groups of villas following the site topography. The result is a volumetric composition snaking throughout the hillside on different levels, seeming to emerge naturally from the terrain and respecting the cliffside vegetation, rich in Pitayos (Stenocereus queretaroensis, a cactacea) and Flor de Mayo (frangipani) trees, amongst other minor species.

The siting of each villa, taking advantage of topography and vegetation, gave way to diverse combinations of two, three and four-bedroom villas.

The main bedroom, as well as the living and dining areas, have large terraces and a swimming pool, which functions as an in-water living space, and as an invisible banister.

Respect for context and landscape suggested the materials to be used, so that wood, present in the palm trees, and the clay from tiles, are in harmony with the earth colors of stones and sand, also used in the plasters, completely uniting the formal intention and the aesthetics of the project.


Project Information

  • Ixtapa,
    Guerrero, México
  • 1997